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Holy Health Habits: Aligning Goals and Identity for Long-Term Health

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If you prefer to listen you can check out the full podcast episode on this topic HERE

In this second part of our new series: Holy Health Habits, we will explore the significance of aligning your goals and identity with your long-term health, fitness, and nutrition. By understanding the importance of these elements, you can establish actionable steps towards achieving overall well-being. Get ready to jot down some notes and embark on a transformative journey as we dive deeper into this topic.

  1. Choose Daily Habits:

Just as there are various spiritual disciplines, we have the freedom to choose the habits that contribute to our physical health. Each day, make a conscious decision to engage in activities that benefit your body, such as strength training, walking, running, or eating a nutritious breakfast. Remember, it is essential to actively choose these habits consistently to promote long-term growth.


  1. Employ Tools for Growth:

Similar to how we employ spiritual disciplines to foster spiritual growth, we must utilize the tools available to us for physical fitness. Incorporate workout plans, consume nutrient-dense foods, and embrace the health habits we will discuss throughout this series. By doing so, you allow yourself to evolve, change, and progress on a path of overall well-being.


  1. Define Your Desired Health:

To embark on a holy health journey, it is crucial to envision the type of healthy person you want to become. Set goals for yourself in a specific timeframe, whether it's 10 years, 5 years, or even just one year. Consider where you want to be physically and mentally. Check out James 4:13-15 and Proverb 16:9, and you’ll see the importance of having a destination in mind while remaining open to God's plans.


  1. Shift to Identity-Based Goals:

Instead of fixating on outcome-based goals, such as losing a certain amount of weight or achieving a particular physical milestone, focus on becoming the person God has called you to be. Let go of the relentless pursuit of outcomes and center your efforts on your identity as a follower of Christ. Embrace being a Kingdom woman, striving to align your health journey with God's calling for your life.


  1. Fight for Your Identity:

Recognize that the fight worth engaging in is the one for your identity. In a world that often emphasizes physical outcomes, it is crucial to understand that the true battle lies in discovering who you are in Christ. This fight shapes your heart and influences those around you. Embrace it, even when faced with difficulties, and keep pushing forward, knowing that the fight for your identity will lead to lasting transformation.


  1. Embrace Mindset Freedom:

Your mindset is a powerful tool that can either hinder or facilitate your journey towards long-term health. Free yourself from the obsession with outcomes and instead focus on the joy of the present moment. Shift your mindset to see health habits as a privilege rather than a chore. As your mindset aligns with your identity, you'll find joy and fulfillment in the journey itself.


By aligning your goals and identity, you can pave the way for long-term health and well-being. Remember to visualize your desired future, consider what truly matters in your life, and recognize the joy that comes from embracing your identity in Christ. Let go of outcome-based goals and allow your health habits to shape you into the person God has called you to be. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we'll explore practical ways to enjoy the journey towards holistic health.

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