
Why Booty Workouts Are Actually the Foundation of a Good Physique As a Work From Home Mom easyfitness fitnesstips

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When it comes to fitness, glutes are often associated with aesthetics—think of a toned, lifted booty that looks great in jeans. But glutes are so much more than just a visual asset. They are your body's powerhouse, the cornerstone of strength,...

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Sneaky Ways to Stay Fit and Active easyfitness fitness fitnesshabits fitnesstips lifelonghealth

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

You know that old cliche “every little bit helps”?  

It’s really true, only most people have a hard time seeing it that way.

But have a look at this list:

Vacuuming the house
Weeding the yard (a.k.a. “gardening” for...

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5 Ways to Track Your Physical Goals Without A Scale fitness fitnesstips goals healthylifestyle kingdombodymindset
Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO


In a previous blog I wrote about how the scale isn’t always the best way to measure progress, if you didn’t read that one, you can read it here. In this post I want to focus on alternate ways to measure progress that don’t...

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Top 3 Tips When Starting a new Fitness & Nutrition Journey bodyhealth easyfitness easyhealth fitness fitnesshabits fitnesstips healthyhabits healthylifestyle healthytips lifelonghealth

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

Ever started a fitness regiment or set new health goals only to stay strong for a few weeks and then give up or start slacking? You aren’t alone. Just start asking your friends if this has ever happened to them before, chances are almost all of...

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